Reap Together
I finally finished making a local two player version of Reap, which I'm calling Reap Together!

you need either two controllers, or one controller and a keyboard. I couldn't squeeze the tooltips into the game, so it might be worth mucking around in the single player version if you're unfamiliar with the game, or having the instructions readily available while you're playing.

if you're new to the game, remember that you pick up and drop things by tapping the button, and you use things by holding down the button.
whether you work cooperatively (build a farm together, explore together, etc) or competitively (steal each other's tools, ruin each other's farms, etc) is up to you, but know that the game was designed around cooperating.
there's no save system, so once you close the game that's it, it's gone. sorry about that.
also, when one player dies, they're dead forever. so be careful out there!
have fun and good luck! and if anyone beats the game on reaper difficulty, please send me a video. I would love to see it!
Get Reap
explore the islands and grow crops to survive
Status | Released |
Author | Daniel Linssen |
Genre | Adventure, Survival |
Tags | 2D, Controller, Exploration, Ludum Dare 34, Perma Death, Pixel Art, Procedural Generation |
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How do you make your games so light? what engine do you use?
I beat this on reaper. Took me 8 days. Real days. I played on a laptop and closed the lid to "pause" the clock. I made a map of the whole world on grid paper (still have it) and was in the process of mapping out all the trees to locate the treasure when I miraculously found the treasure spot. I was in the process of figuring out how to film the video when I "paused" the game for lunch. but, I didnt realize that if you have the laptop plugged in, by default the screen goes dark but the laptop doesn't "pause" so I died. My heart broke. But this game is forever in my soul. I did the run at least a year~ ago. If you're interested, I can try to get together all the materials I still have for a video.
I'm actually mostly sad cause I wanted to "finish" the map with full details. Like a "there and back again" map of my own personal lonely mountain.
I used rafts to build bridges between islands. And I built turnip farms on every corner of every island so that every place I went I had fresh turnips. I then made turnip trails connecting my "ports" and the bridges across waters was to know where I was as I explored. Truly the most unique and difficult hard mode I've ever had the honor of experiencing.
Thank you for making this game, it's an inspiration truly.
That is incredible, I would absolutely love to see a video (or even just a collection of photos) of your adventure! Also, I wonder if you are the first person to beat the game on Reaper difficulty. I don't know of anyone else who has accomplished that yet
Yeah, I think I got a short capture of it right next to the treasure with the grumpy sun rotating and everything. DM on my email and i'll send you the stuff after I compile it all!
(email in my profile. just hit contact)
I came across some of your work, and I cannot stop of questioning me what could be the tools that you use to build these fantastic games, beside your brain.
theres so little to this game, but so much that could be done.
Hi, Very good game! I didn't player Reap Together yet, but I've played the first Reap. Many congrats!!
One question though : Once I've found the treasure, what do I do? Is it over after?
Yep, that's all there is to do! I didn't want to end the game there in case anyone wanted to keep exploring
Okay I see, while I think it's a good think to keep the player in game after the end, I think it would be better to end here. Maybe, a screen with a narrative text telling how all this finally end, because we don't know what to do next, we wait for the next "objective".
But in the case you really want the player to explore more, I think the best thing would be to give more and more treasure maps, almost indefinitely. Each time we find a treasure, there's another treasure map inside, to keep the challenge on.
At least letting us push the treasure chest back to our farm would've been nice. Ah well, I just sailed as far as I could with 2 turnips in my hands, and realized I couldn't eat them on the raft.
I wish such sigh as yours, because even on normal difficulty i planted crops as soon as i could, but third fase of turnips' growth always happens that exactly morning when survivor dies of food starving xD Or did i download the "April's fools version of game" ? )
On map i can always see 4 crosses, but never understand where am i myself &) I guess for a 2 players competition, 5 treasures can be hidden (each on a different island), and first player to collect 3 (so called "best of 5" in eSports) - wins this current procedural generation : )
it wont work for me
restart the game, or start in easy mode ,got similar problem too.
it dosen't work help pls
Is there any way you could make it so both players could use the same keyboard? I don't have a controller...
I was thinking one player could use asdw and one could use up down left right.
That's a tightey! U'd need a rly CLOSE friend for such playing sessions
I really wanna play this but I can only pick up/drop items. When I hold down the key nothing happens...
U're talking about woods choppin, right? I also didn't get for some time "why axe doesn't work if i stand right near the bushes?..". But you have to also hold a direction key towards what you wanna chop )