Alphabet Soup for Picky Eaters

a game by Daniel Linssen

made for the Confounding Calendar

(no spoilers in the comments, please)

Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(88 total ratings)
AuthorDaniel Linssen


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I got an answer and it's bG9jYXRlZCBpbiB0aGUgbmFtZSBvZiB0aGUgY2hhbm5lbCBoZXJlOiBodHRwczovL3d3dy55b3V0dWJlLmNvbS9ARnJpZW5kbHlOb29kbGVz

Clever game, had no idea what I was doing at first but then it wasn't too hard to figure out each character's logic in the end. I feel there's a lot of correct answers here, which is an interesting approach.

5/6 reacted to bm90aGluZwo= (base64)

Fun little game! 


About my base64 coded thoughts about the game

you should not turn shallow with something bred

so fun!! heres what i noted down for each after trying around a bit (encoded with base64):


based on what i gathered i ended up solving with the word bm9vZGxl :P

Spoilery Base64 comment (do give it a try yourself, is a fun puzzle):


funnily enough i reached the exact same word! combining 2 and 4 had me self-imposing a constraint that made this one of only a handful of possible words i think

Cute soup elements :D

Came from the newsletter! 

Made a scuffed answer list: 


(Base 64)

(1 edit)

Came from Tom Scott’s newsletter…

Just kept on with trial and error until I noticed certain letters popping up a lot of the little guys except for orange, the solution is - -.- ––. .–. - -.- …- …

i was about to go insane with green then saw it lol

Very cool! I like puzzles like these! The solution I used was aW5kZWVk (base 64)

got it with b3JlZ2Fubw==

(1 edit)

I'm actually from icely, this was a fun one, ended up getting it with YW1uZXNpYQ== (base64) pretty quickly by combining blue and yellow!

damm. i really did 01100101 01101110 01100001 01100010 01101100 01100101 them (yes the binary is the answer i used)

omfg i had to google words once i figured out the rules, and of course the word i got was YmFib29u (base64)
genuinely can't believe that lmao, i thought that was the only one and felt so much more silly for it
sweet & fun game!

had fun with this! won with (rot13) bbcvat. i figured out most of the rules (green really tripped me up though) also the characters are super cute [:

V'z n angheny! (rot 13)

Gung qbrfa'g jbex sbe gur svefg perngher orpnhfr gurer nera'g na bqq ahzore bs pbafbanagf, ohg gur ivpgbel fperra jnf gevttrerq jura lbh ragrerq 'ANGHEN'

I didn't figure out the rule at all, but I did got the solution (of many?) on the first try, so cool I guess :)

- From the Tom Scott newsletter

I didn't figure out any of the rules, but I did get an answer with (ROT13 zbabalz). No idea why though, will keep tinkering!

I just wish there were spoilers.Some of us, like me, aren't very clever.

A little late, but I'll give some hints in base 64:

--- VGhlIGZpcnN0IGlzOiBZb3UgbmVlZCBhbiBvZGQgbnVtYmVyIG9mIGNvbnNvbmFudHM=
--- VGhlIHNlY29uZCBuZWVkcyBhbiBu
--- Rm9yIHRoZSB0aGlyZCB5b3UgaGF2ZSB0byB1c2UgYSByZWFsIHdvcmQ=
--- VGhlIHllbGxvdyB3YW50cyAyIGNoYXJhY3RlcnMgdGhhdCBhcmUgYmVoaW5kIGVhY2ggb3RoZXIgaW4gdGhlIGFscGhhYmV0
--- VGhlIEZpbmFsIG5lZWRzIDIgdm9jYWxzIGluIGEgcm93Lg==

--- QSBwb3NzaWJsZSBzb2x1dGlvbiB3b3VsZCBiZSBBTU5FU0lB

Also from the newsletter, but loved this. Had a few false starts until my partner pointed out yellow's rule, and then I stumbled into cGhvbm9ucw==.

Great little puzzle! This would be fun as a daily game.

(1 edit) (-1)

Also here from Tom Scott's newsletter! Fun little puzzle, I definitely enjoyed it.

I won with (ROT13) Uvggvat. Figuring out the rule for yellow was key as it let me narrow the field greatly for finding a suitable answer!

(1 edit) (+6)

That was fun!
Here from Tom Scott's newsletter, in case there's a noticeable peak in views and the author wants to know why.

Don't keep reading comments! SPOILERS BELOW

Deleted 61 days ago

of course when i play this this is the top comment and ruins the whole game


"(no spoilers in the comments, please)"


Why would you think it's a good idea to disregard the description and ruin the game for anyone who opens it?

(1 edit) (+1)

Very cute game! I think it’s clever and well-designed.

Figured out purple and orange. Worked for a while on green and didn’t really understand. The other three I only had a vague idea of. Manged to win accidentally through intuition.

My accidental win was 706F70636F726E (in hexadecimal)


I remember really liking one of Daniel Linssen's games and decided to look through his page, really happy I managed to solve this one with a food haha

Although I did get it by accident cuz I was still trying to figure out green, and was only like 20% right on yellow

Lol, I figured out all the rules except for green, testing all sorts of combinations of letters to look for patterns. So I decided just to try to type something that fit all the rules I had, and it worked first try! Still don't know what green's rule is.

Same thing happened to me, except I couldn't solve it without green's rule. Someone in another comment wrote a hint, and that helped me!

Rot13: V guvax V jnf nffhzvat gung gur 7 ehyrf gbtrgure jbhyq sbepr n fvatyr, erny jbeq. Fb jura V fgnegrq frrvat jung V pbhyq qb sbe gur fvk ehyrf V xarj, V hfrq erny jbeqf, juvpu zrnag V jnf (ol nppvqrag) ybbxvat sbe gur evtug guvat!


so cute game, i loved  that pixel characters so much


The solution was... strangely specific. When I found it I couldnt help but laugh. Lovely game!


Sick game as always, Daniel. Thank you!


I managed to figure out a solution, interesting little game


I knew that one of the countries bordering Iran would follow the rules of yellow, so I used a word relating to it. Very fun, and it was great to see that trivia actually find a use.

(1 edit) (+2)(-2)

After I figured out all the rules, the hard part was thinking of a word that fit them all.

I imagined the creator had a specific word in mind

Not sure if I'm allowed to share the word that I came up with but I will say my thought process lead me to the name of the site *wink*


you can say the answer directly, just put a warning saying that it is the answer, and then just hit the enter key a bunch of times then put the answer so there is only spoilers if you click show more, i think about 20 enter presses should work.


Hmm, the author specifically put "(no spoilers in the comments, please)"

Better to rot13 or base64 so its impossible to see accidentally!  :)

oh, sorry, i didnt see it


I had a struggle figuring out yellow's rule, but it is a great game nonetheless! One solution I found that I have not seen in the comments is a2ltb25v (base64)

(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

I played around until I was reasonably sure what the criteria to wake up each little dude was, then I wrote down each criteria. Then I spent several hours writing a haskell script to comb through a ~480,000 word dictionary I found on github, and filter by each criteria...

Except that I couldn't be bothered to figure out the best way to filter by yellow's criterion, so instead I just filtered by everyone else's and manually scanned the remainder until I found the first one that fit. I'm tired, give me a break.

What I learned:

1. I'm still an extreme novice in Haskell

2. Rust would have been several hours faster

3. I would have been done yesterday if I just used Python

4. a lot of other nerd stuff about Haskell that is probably better left to a personal blog than the comments of a cute webgame

9/10 needs more programmatically-solvable challenges that I can waste entire days on, otherwise it was perfect

Edit: I added the final filter (for yellow), it wasn't as hard as my sleep-deprived mind made it out to be

Haskell is brave! I did the lazy thing and wrote a script in python, running through my dictionary for TeXworks. I also didn't filter for yellow, and luckily the first word it returned fit! (It was YWJlbGlhbg== in base64, which made me very happy, especially since I'm not even sure it's in the default dictionary, it may have been one I added later while doing actual work.)

I just tried asking ChatGPT when I figured out the rules. Completely failed telling me nothing matches these criteria, despite it seemingly generating a Python script to check all of this. In the end I just used my noggin to try a few options till I found one that worked.

it was my fourth guess because me too babies, me too

Haven't seen anyone use c3RlcG5leQ== as a solution yet. I was just brute forcing it after understanding all the rules. Super fun puzzle!


Interesting. I couldn't think of a food - I figured out all the rules, but had to find a list of foods of appropriate length and see which ones fit the other rules. Found one, but now I'm curious if there are multiple answers. At some point I might have to go through the entire list and see if any others fit.

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