funnily enough i reached the exact same word! combining 2 and 4 had me self-imposing a constraint that made this one of only a handful of possible words i think
Just kept on with trial and error until I noticed certain letters popping up a lot of the little guys except for orange, the solution is - -.- ––. .–. - -.- …- …
omfg i had to google words once i figured out the rules, and of course the word i got was YmFib29u (base64) genuinely can't believe that lmao, i thought that was the only one and felt so much more silly for it sweet & fun game!
Very cute game! I think it’s clever and well-designed.
Figured out purple and orange. Worked for a while on green and didn’t really understand. The other three I only had a vague idea of. Manged to win accidentally through intuition.
My accidental win was 706F70636F726E (in hexadecimal)
Lol, I figured out all the rules except for green, testing all sorts of combinations of letters to look for patterns. So I decided just to try to type something that fit all the rules I had, and it worked first try! Still don't know what green's rule is.
Rot13: V guvax V jnf nffhzvat gung gur 7 ehyrf gbtrgure jbhyq sbepr n fvatyr, erny jbeq. Fb jura V fgnegrq frrvat jung V pbhyq qb sbe gur fvk ehyrf V xarj, V hfrq erny jbeqf, juvpu zrnag V jnf (ol nppvqrag) ybbxvat sbe gur evtug guvat!
I knew that one of the countries bordering Iran would follow the rules of yellow, so I used a word relating to it. Very fun, and it was great to see that trivia actually find a use.
you can say the answer directly, just put a warning saying that it is the answer, and then just hit the enter key a bunch of times then put the answer so there is only spoilers if you click show more, i think about 20 enter presses should work.
I had a struggle figuring out yellow's rule, but it is a great game nonetheless! One solution I found that I have not seen in the comments is a2ltb25v (base64)
I played around until I was reasonably sure what the criteria to wake up each little dude was, then I wrote down each criteria. Then I spent several hours writing a haskell script to comb through a ~480,000 word dictionary I found on github, and filter by each criteria...
Except that I couldn't be bothered to figure out the best way to filter by yellow's criterion, so instead I just filtered by everyone else's and manually scanned the remainder until I found the first one that fit. I'm tired, give me a break.
What I learned:
1. I'm still an extreme novice in Haskell
2. Rust would have been several hours faster
3. I would have been done yesterday if I just used Python
4. a lot of other nerd stuff about Haskell that is probably better left to a personal blog than the comments of a cute webgame
9/10 needs more programmatically-solvable challenges that I can waste entire days on, otherwise it was perfect
Edit: I added the final filter (for yellow), it wasn't as hard as my sleep-deprived mind made it out to be
Haskell is brave! I did the lazy thing and wrote a script in python, running through my dictionary for TeXworks. I also didn't filter for yellow, and luckily the first word it returned fit! (It was YWJlbGlhbg== in base64, which made me very happy, especially since I'm not even sure it's in the default dictionary, it may have been one I added later while doing actual work.)
I just tried asking ChatGPT when I figured out the rules. Completely failed telling me nothing matches these criteria, despite it seemingly generating a Python script to check all of this. In the end I just used my noggin to try a few options till I found one that worked.
Interesting. I couldn't think of a food - I figured out all the rules, but had to find a list of foods of appropriate length and see which ones fit the other rules. Found one, but now I'm curious if there are multiple answers. At some point I might have to go through the entire list and see if any others fit.
I tried to do this based on this and did it way too early on accident before understanding what any of it actually means besides green. Now that I figured out how to actually do that's crazy I did it on complete accident because Its hard to find a word like that I used the word "d29vZGVu" (base64)
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Fun little game!
About my base64 coded thoughts about the game
you should not turn shallow with something bred
so fun!! heres what i noted down for each after trying around a bit (encoded with base64):
based on what i gathered i ended up solving with the word bm9vZGxl :P
Spoilery Base64 comment (do give it a try yourself, is a fun puzzle):
funnily enough i reached the exact same word! combining 2 and 4 had me self-imposing a constraint that made this one of only a handful of possible words i think
Cute soup elements :D
Came from the newsletter!
Made a scuffed answer list:
(Base 64)
Came from Tom Scott’s newsletter…
Just kept on with trial and error until I noticed certain letters popping up a lot of the little guys except for orange, the solution is - -.- ––. .–. - -.- …- …
i was about to go insane with green then saw it lol
Very cool! I like puzzles like these! The solution I used was aW5kZWVk (base 64)
got it with b3JlZ2Fubw==
I'm actually from icely, this was a fun one, ended up getting it with YW1uZXNpYQ== (base64) pretty quickly by combining blue and yellow!
damm. i really did 01100101 01101110 01100001 01100010 01101100 01100101 them (yes the binary is the answer i used)
omfg i had to google words once i figured out the rules, and of course the word i got was YmFib29u (base64)
genuinely can't believe that lmao, i thought that was the only one and felt so much more silly for it
sweet & fun game!
had fun with this! won with (rot13) bbcvat. i figured out most of the rules (green really tripped me up though) also the characters are super cute [:
V'z n angheny! (rot 13)
Gung qbrfa'g jbex sbe gur svefg perngher orpnhfr gurer nera'g na bqq ahzore bs pbafbanagf, ohg gur ivpgbel fperra jnf gevttrerq jura lbh ragrerq 'ANGHEN'
I didn't figure out the rule at all, but I did got the solution (of many?) on the first try, so cool I guess :)
- From the Tom Scott newsletter
I didn't figure out any of the rules, but I did get an answer with (ROT13 zbabalz). No idea why though, will keep tinkering!
I just wish there were spoilers.Some of us, like me, aren't very clever.
A little late, but I'll give some hints in base 64:
--- VGhlIGZpcnN0IGlzOiBZb3UgbmVlZCBhbiBvZGQgbnVtYmVyIG9mIGNvbnNvbmFudHM=
--- VGhlIHNlY29uZCBuZWVkcyBhbiBu
--- Rm9yIHRoZSB0aGlyZCB5b3UgaGF2ZSB0byB1c2UgYSByZWFsIHdvcmQ=
--- VGhlIHllbGxvdyB3YW50cyAyIGNoYXJhY3RlcnMgdGhhdCBhcmUgYmVoaW5kIGVhY2ggb3RoZXIgaW4gdGhlIGFscGhhYmV0
--- VGhlIEZpbmFsIG5lZWRzIDIgdm9jYWxzIGluIGEgcm93Lg==
--- QSBwb3NzaWJsZSBzb2x1dGlvbiB3b3VsZCBiZSBBTU5FU0lB
Also from the newsletter, but loved this. Had a few false starts until my partner pointed out yellow's rule, and then I stumbled into cGhvbm9ucw==.
Great little puzzle! This would be fun as a daily game.
Also here from Tom Scott's newsletter! Fun little puzzle, I definitely enjoyed it.
I won with (ROT13) Uvggvat. Figuring out the rule for yellow was key as it let me narrow the field greatly for finding a suitable answer!
That was fun!
Here from Tom Scott's newsletter, in case there's a noticeable peak in views and the author wants to know why.
Don't keep reading comments! SPOILERS BELOW
of course when i play this this is the top comment and ruins the whole game
"(no spoilers in the comments, please)"
Why would you think it's a good idea to disregard the description and ruin the game for anyone who opens it?
Very cute game! I think it’s clever and well-designed.
Figured out purple and orange. Worked for a while on green and didn’t really understand. The other three I only had a vague idea of. Manged to win accidentally through intuition.
My accidental win was 706F70636F726E (in hexadecimal)
I remember really liking one of Daniel Linssen's games and decided to look through his page, really happy I managed to solve this one with a food haha
Although I did get it by accident cuz I was still trying to figure out green, and was only like 20% right on yellow
Lol, I figured out all the rules except for green, testing all sorts of combinations of letters to look for patterns. So I decided just to try to type something that fit all the rules I had, and it worked first try! Still don't know what green's rule is.
Same thing happened to me, except I couldn't solve it without green's rule. Someone in another comment wrote a hint, and that helped me!
Rot13: V guvax V jnf nffhzvat gung gur 7 ehyrf gbtrgure jbhyq sbepr n fvatyr, erny jbeq. Fb jura V fgnegrq frrvat jung V pbhyq qb sbe gur fvk ehyrf V xarj, V hfrq erny jbeqf, juvpu zrnag V jnf (ol nppvqrag) ybbxvat sbe gur evtug guvat!
so cute game, i loved that pixel characters so much
The solution was... strangely specific. When I found it I couldnt help but laugh. Lovely game!
Sick game as always, Daniel. Thank you!
I managed to figure out a solution, interesting little game
I knew that one of the countries bordering Iran would follow the rules of yellow, so I used a word relating to it. Very fun, and it was great to see that trivia actually find a use.
After I figured out all the rules, the hard part was thinking of a word that fit them all.
I imagined the creator had a specific word in mind
Not sure if I'm allowed to share the word that I came up with but I will say my thought process lead me to the name of the site *wink*
you can say the answer directly, just put a warning saying that it is the answer, and then just hit the enter key a bunch of times then put the answer so there is only spoilers if you click show more, i think about 20 enter presses should work.
Hmm, the author specifically put "(no spoilers in the comments, please)"
Better to rot13 or base64 so its impossible to see accidentally! :)
oh, sorry, i didnt see it
I had a struggle figuring out yellow's rule, but it is a great game nonetheless! One solution I found that I have not seen in the comments is a2ltb25v (base64)
I played around until I was reasonably sure what the criteria to wake up each little dude was, then I wrote down each criteria. Then I spent several hours writing a haskell script to comb through a ~480,000 word dictionary I found on github, and filter by each criteria...
Except that I couldn't be bothered to figure out the best way to filter by yellow's criterion, so instead I just filtered by everyone else's and manually scanned the remainder until I found the first one that fit. I'm tired, give me a break.
What I learned:
1. I'm still an extreme novice in Haskell
2. Rust would have been several hours faster
3. I would have been done yesterday if I just used Python
4. a lot of other nerd stuff about Haskell that is probably better left to a personal blog than the comments of a cute webgame
9/10 needs more programmatically-solvable challenges that I can waste entire days on, otherwise it was perfect
Edit: I added the final filter (for yellow), it wasn't as hard as my sleep-deprived mind made it out to be
Haskell is brave! I did the lazy thing and wrote a script in python, running through my dictionary for TeXworks. I also didn't filter for yellow, and luckily the first word it returned fit! (It was YWJlbGlhbg== in base64, which made me very happy, especially since I'm not even sure it's in the default dictionary, it may have been one I added later while doing actual work.)
I just tried asking ChatGPT when I figured out the rules. Completely failed telling me nothing matches these criteria, despite it seemingly generating a Python script to check all of this. In the end I just used my noggin to try a few options till I found one that worked.
it was my fourth guess because me too babies, me too
Haven't seen anyone use c3RlcG5leQ== as a solution yet. I was just brute forcing it after understanding all the rules. Super fun puzzle!
Interesting. I couldn't think of a food - I figured out all the rules, but had to find a list of foods of appropriate length and see which ones fit the other rules. Found one, but now I'm curious if there are multiple answers. At some point I might have to go through the entire list and see if any others fit.
Hint: Try something related to wood.
I know how to get each of them but I can't think of something that gets all of them 😭😭
edit: bro why're ppl downvoting I just wanted to say that I know the rules but i cant figure out a word that fits all of them
here's a hint, hope it helps!
Purple: Even, Uneven
Blue: Loves a single thing!
Green: Dislikes gibberish
Yellow: Consecutive order!
Orange: Not too much, not too little
Red: at least two times is enough
I tried to do this based on this and did it way too early on accident before understanding what any of it actually means besides green. Now that I figured out how to actually do that's crazy I did it on complete accident because Its hard to find a word like that I used the word "d29vZGVu" (base64)
good job! you're welcome!! also if you want another answer click show more!
this was delightful! reminds me of the kind of guessing game you play on a roadtrip